War Memorials


The Cradock War Memorial and Memorial Garden are situated on the RM Williams Way, on the main tourist route between the Flinders Ranges and the wines regions of the Barossa and Clare Valley.  These tourism venues attract an estimated 60,000 travellers annually.  With sheltered 'picnic' facilities now established in the Cradock Memorial Garden, travellers through the area will now be given cause to pause and enjoy the experiences the Cradock Heritage Trail now provide.

A walk through the Cradock War Memorial is a true educational and moving experience and begins with the wall of remembrance, which sports the Australian Military Forces emblem front and centre, surrounded by dedications to locals who lost the battle in the Boer War, World War I and World War II.

Behind this is the shelter, where people can sit and take some time to read the information boards which provide information on both World Wars and the regiment/unit history for Cradock.

The message from the Australian Unknown Solider takes a pertinent spot in the memorial garden and pays a moving tribute to those who served and made it home, but will bore the battle scars.

A well maintained garden takes pride of place in the centre and it surrounded by many stone plinths upon which sit a variety of tributes.  One of these is a new edition which provides information on the Australian Involvement in Peacekeeping Deployment since 1947 - this is a fairly new addition and provides information many may not have considered.

On the other stone plinths are tributes to the First Gulf War, East Timor, Second Gulf War, Aghanistan, Vietnam War, Mayalan Emergency, Indonesian Confrontation, Korean War, World War I, World War II and the Boer War.

At the end of the garden is the tribute to Australia’s Military Animals with a black dog sitting front and centre. Next to this is the striking Australian Light Horse Regiment Tribute – this is a 3D shadow mural which when lit up at night is a main attraction.

In between plinths and surrounding the garden are white crosses and plaques set in stone which pay contain the names of all locals who lost their lives in battles.

Front and centre of all the amazing tributes is the newest and probably most hard-fought for addition, the decommissioned and restored Australian Field Artillery 25-Pounder. This piece has taken over two years to finally be in place and has certainly been worth the effort.

One of the most recent additions are two (2) life size wire mesh sculptures of soldiers depicting Australian Light Horsemen and commemorate the district members who served in the Light Horse Regiments during the First World War.
The wire mesh sculptures were designed and made by Queensland artist Ivan Lovett.





Situated on the corner of Chace View Terrace and Wilpena Road, Hawker, the Hawker War Memorial is on the site where the original War Memorial Swimming Pool was build in 1963 as a memorial to World War 2 returned servicemen.  After a decision to develop the site, following the construction of a new pool at an alternative location, the Hawker Community Development Board and The Flinders Ranges Council formed an alliance and with the assistance of the ANZAC Centenary Grant, the new memorial takes pride of place.

The precinct consists of a paved area with a Memorial Cross and contains the Garden of Courage and Sacrifice which was planted in 2016.  Handpainted honour rolls, sculptures, artworks  and plaques are located within the area. The plaque which was originally located outside the Council Chambers has been relocated here as well as an information plaque detailing how previous Anzac services were conducted in Hawker.

The gun carriage (a prop from the film The Light Horsemen) was relocated to the site as was the memorial stone and single flag pole, which has been illuminated and flies the flag 24/7. The replica honour boards and other information signage serve as a constant reminder of the local people who fought for their country in all conflicts.  The Walk of Honour represents those who fought in World War 2 and lost their lives.

In 2023 the Hawker War Memorial was chosen by the Australian War Memorial (AWM) as one of the 40 locations, out of over 11,500 Australia-wide, to feature in a cinematic display at the new southern entrance to the AWM.



poppy walk


Taking pride of place on Railway Terrace, the Quorn War Memorial commemorates Australian servicemen and women who have served in conflicts in which Australia has been involved. The memorial was originally erected by those who returned in memory of the fallen of World War One with the names of the fallen of World War Two added to the memorial at a later date.

The Quorn War Memorial also is home to a WW1 95mm SB (Smooth Bore) Turkish Field Gun. The gun was captured by the 4th Australian Light Horse Brigade on 1st November 1917 at the World War I Battle of Beersheba and belonged to the 116th Trench Mortar Battery indicated by Maj. Gen. Hüseyin Hüsnü Emir Erkilet "Yıldırım" (The Lightning) (Turkish artillery on 20 Dec 1917).  It is one of three such guns that exist in Australia, captured as a trophy during the battle.

The War Memorial was extended in 2023 and features unique life-sized sculptures representing Australian soldiers and nurses, as well as commemorative plaques, each referencing a specific war or conflict and those who served in them.
The wire mesh sculptures were designed and made by Queensland artist Ivan Lovett.



lit up


Situated on First Street (in between the Quorn Dog Park and Powell Garden) is the Quorn Walk of Remembrance which acknowledges all those from Quorn who fought and lost their lives in World War I.  It Features an avenue of crosses which serve to remember those brave souls who made the ultimate sacrifice.

Head in via the main gate and walk between the avenue of trees and crosses which bear the names of the soldiers.
